Donations help us fund harm reduction supplies, basic needs support, and other daily needs that ensure our ability to keep providing services.
One-Time or Recurring Donations:
Other Donation Methods (click to donate):
Check or Money Order:
If you prefer to send a check or money order you can do so by making it out to “Thrive for Change”. Checks can be mailed to Thrive for Change at 11002 Detroit Ave., Cleveland, OH 44102.
Donor Advised Funds:
You can designate Thrive for Change as a beneficiary in your donor advised funds. Address for donor advised funds upon request. Our EIN is: 83-1333112. Please contact us at [email protected]
Other Ways to Help: If you’re interested in connecting Thrive for Change with corporate sponsorship, in-kind donations, or pro-bono assistance please contact us at [email protected]